Fire & Smoke Protection

Building Regulations gives guidance for the minimum fire protection requirements for these structures.
Floors exceeding 20m in either direction (width/length) will require fire protection, structures that fall below this criteria will default to the minimum requirements of approved document Part B and the provisions of an automatic detection and alarm system meeting the relevant recommendations off BS 58391-1: 2013.
As the majority of mezzanines are 20m or greater, fire protection becomes mandatory. At PDiC we can supply and install the protection for all aspects of mezzanine design.
These include fire ceilings and column casings to protect the load bearing elements up to 60 minutes using proven tested materials, in conjunction with these we also design and build protected staircase shafts which are designed to be ‘fire sterile’ as far as is reasonably practical and to comply with ‘Part B’ to lead to place of safety.

Examples of our Fire & Smoke Protection